Patience and Persistence in Encouraging Reluctant Readers

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Developing a love for reading in reluctant readers is a gradual process that requires patience and persistence.

If we, as parents or carers, show our frustrations, reluctant readers may become stressed or worried about not meeting the standards their adults and peers are hoping for. This can reduce their enjoyment of reading, making it a less appealing choice.


Here are some suggestions on how you can support your reluctant reader in overcoming these challenges:

  • Understand their Reluctance - Understand the root cause of their reluctance, whether it’s difficulty with reading and decoding, visual impairments, lack of interest, or negative experiences.

  • Set Realistic Goals - Start with short, simple books and gradually increase in difficulty. This approach may initially feel like a step back. However, if a child reads a book or chapter from start to finish without struggling, it can feel like an amazing achievement, boosting their confidence.

  • Create a Supportive Environment - Focus on the positive aspects of their reading efforts. Praise when they have decoded a tricky (to them) word or have completed their reading goals.

  • Consistency is Key - Establish a consistent daily reading routine, even if it’s just 10-15 minutes. Many children flourish when there is routine. It makes them feel safe and secure. Setting a daily reading routine will help your reluctant reader identify the task ahead, know what is expected of them, and help calm them into the reading session.

  • Keep to your Reluctant Reader’s Pace - Allow them to progress at their own pace without rushing.

  • Encourage a Growth Mindset - Emphasise and praise effort and persistence over immediate success.

  • Diversify Reading Materials - Offer a range of books, including comics and magazines.

  • Be Present and Engaged – Read with your reluctant reader and engage them in discussions. Who was their favourite character? Did they have a favourite part of the story or illustration?

  • Flexibility and Adaptability – If a strategy isn’t working, don’t be afraid of trying others. Adapt and persevere until you find one that works for you and your reluctant reader.

  • Long-Term Commitment - Continue showing interest in their reading journey.

‘By embracing patience and persistence, you can transform reading from a chore into an enjoyable activity for reluctant readers.’

Pauline Tait

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As you incorporate these strategies into your daily routine, you can empower your reluctant reader by:

  • Listen and Observe - Pay attention to their cues and feedback.

  • Celebrate Progress - Acknowledge and praise each achievement, no matter how small.

  • Non-Judgmental Atmosphere - Ensure they feel safe to express their thoughts, worries, and questions.

  • Stick with It - Stay committed, even if the child resists at first.

  • Revisit Favourites - Let them read the same book multiple times for familiarity. This can help boost confidence in oral flow, improve letter and word recognition and feed creativity.

  • Model Resilience - Share your own experiences of overcoming reading challenges.

  • Incorporate Interests - Offer a range of books, including comics and magazines.

  • Lead by Example - Let them see you reading regularly and share your excitement. This can incorporate a joint trip to a library, where you both enjoy choosing books and chat about why you have chosen them.

  • Patience with Setbacks: Show empathy and support during difficult moments. Give praise and reassurance and point out the positives.

  • Nurture a Lifelong Love: Focus on making reading joyful, rewarding and part of your reluctant reader’s daily routine.

By embracing patience and persistence, you can transform reading from a chore into an enjoyable activity for reluctant readers. This approach fosters a positive reading experience and can cultivate a lifelong love for books.

Call to Action

This week’s call to action is to incorporate the strategies listed above into reading sessions with your reluctant reader. Embrace the positives and nurture and encourage the weaknesses. They may be short sessions to start with, you may need to work up to the 10 or 15 minutes.  And remember patience and perseverance is often key.

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